How will my personal Profile information be used?Updated 2 years ago
Communication in reference to Art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/67 and related applicable regulations to Kappa website
In accordance with art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (the “Regulation”), and with applicable regulations on the subject of Privacy, Kappa S.r.l. con socio
unico. with sole proprietorship (hereinafter “Company” or “Owner”), hereby declares that the personal data provided by you or acquired through the online purchase of products by the brands Kappa is exclusive license holder offer Italy (hereinafter “Products”) will be processed according to current regulations and in full respect of the principles of fairness, legitimacy, transparency and safeguarding of privacy thereby envisaged.
Purpose of the processing and nature of the provision of data
Data processing will be aimed at:
a) the fulfillment of legal obligations; The provision of personal data for these purposes is a legal obligation. Failure to provide the data will prevent the Company from carrying out the activity requested by you which presupposes the fulfillment of a legal obligation by the Company itself;
b) the fulfillment of the obligations deriving and connected to the contract, such as, by way of example only, execution of transport services and after-sales assistance to customers; The provision of personal data for these purposes is a contractual obligation. Failure to provide data will make it impossible for the Company to conclude the contract;
c) performance of direct marketing activities, such as the sending - also by e-mail, SMS and MMS - of advertising material and communications with promotional content in relation to products or services provided and / or promoted by the Data Controller or by his business partners, including gifts; The provision of data for this purpose is optional. The refusal to give the relative consent to the processing involves the impossibility for the Company to follow up the activities indicated above;
d) conducting direct marketing activities, such as sending – also via e-mail, SMS and MMS messages - advertising and promotional material related to products or services provided and/or promoted by the Legal Basis
The legal basis for data processing is:
Data processing methods
Personal data will be processed using paper-based and digital tools, and implementing appropriate safety measures to protect the safety and privacy of your personal data, and regarding profiling, to safeguard your rights, freedom, legitimate interests, and in particular to safeguard your right to obtain human intervention on behalf of the Controller, to express your opinion and to challenge any decision.
Personal Data Recipients
The data gathered will be used exclusively within the aims listed above on the Italian territory.
Data processing will be carried out by Controller employees and/or subjects identified and authorized by the Controller to process the data.
The data provided will be not distributed or made public. The data may be communicated to:
The data will be processed by employees of the Data Controller and / or by persons specifically identified by the Data Controller as authorized processing personnel.
Data retention
In accordance with the principles of proportionality and necessity, the data will not be stored for periods longer than those essential to achieve the aims listed above, except for legal obligations.
Rights of concerned parties
The subjects personal data refers to have the right to obtain at any moment confirmation whether data regarding them is being processed, and if that is the case may access the data and information referred to in art. 15 of Regulation, to obtain a copy of said data or relative rectification (art. 1 and 16).
Subjects concerned may also request data deletion, processing limitation, mobility and to complain to overseeing authority and oppose, for
legitimate reasons, their processing (art. 17).
These rights may be exerted via written communication to be sent to: [email protected]
Processing controller
Processing controller is Kappa S.r.l. con socio
unico. with sole proprietor, located in Torino, Largo Maurizio Vitale, 1, 10152.
A list of data processing external supervisors has been published on the Controller’s website.
Data Protection Officer (“D.P.O.”)
The contact email address of the D.P.O. is: [email protected]